October 08, 2011

Off to the Windy City!! - Part 3

So our final day had finally come and we weren't sure what else we wanted to do.

Of course, there was something that most of us girl wanted to do - shopping! I was speaking to a guy in one of my classes who advised me to go to Michigan Ave in Chicago...good advice indeed! Michigan Ave is one of the main streets where there are a lot of high-street clothing stores (well, something similar to high-street stores).

Of course the guys weren't as enthusiastic on the shopping idea and wanted to do some more exploring, as did another girl in the group. So they did their own thing and so did we, and they met up with us later in the day. I really enjoyed our day out shopping. To me it was the closest thing to shopping in Buchanan Street in Glasgow and that was something I really missed about home. Although it's cool to get clothes from foreign stores because when you get home, no-one else has the stuff you bought - I found it hard to find clothes shops in America that are similar to the places I shop in the UK. Especially as America does not have Topshop (except the exclusive, very expensive one in New York City). I feel like America has good quality clothes shops, but that the clothes they sell are expensive and very plain-looking. I think if I'm gonna buy something that looks plain then I'd rather buy it cheaply than expensively. If I want a very decent pair of jeans, a good jacket or a dress then I'm willing to splash out a bit more. I found it hard to find cheap trendy stores in the US.

This was before I went to Chicago. It was in Chicago I discovered Forever 21. Although I liked it for its trendy clothes at a cheap price, the clothes were consequently just that - cheap. Cheap clothes are never long-wearing and the stuff I bought from there certainly wasn't, however, it was handy for when I wanted a change in my wardrobe. I don't think I actually bought very much but it was good to have a girly day out and try on clothes. I did buy a dress from a place called A'Gaci (I think that's what its called) but again, the clothes were very cheap and the dress ended up getting a hole in it. I must of put on weight which probably didn't help either!

Guy playing the Simpsons tune outside the Greyhound Station!
Michigan Ave also holds the best Victoria's Secret I have ever visited. Victoria's Secret is a chain and me and my roommates went there when we went to Kansas City. However, this one was like no Victoria's Secret I've visited before...

First thing we were told as soon as we arrived in the shop is that the store had a computer which could measure your bra size by scanning your body. Of course, we all wanted to try it out! Most of the girls I was with wanted to try on bra sets too, so we looked around and waited to try out the scanner. So we waited...and waited. Then about an hour later of waiting in line, we eventually got measured! I was told my size and what style of bras to go for...turns out my boobs are 'too far apart' so I should buy bras to bring them in and lift them up. That's a complex I didn't have before going to Chicago.

All in all, it had been a fun day. However, it was also leaving day, so afterwards, we met up with the others and headed for the Greyhound station...for the long journey home. Back to Kansas we went.

March 14, 2011

Off to the Windy City!! - Part 2

Mardis Gras Etiffoue
The following day was a busy one!

Lucky for us - one of our fellow travellers had brought a guide book with him to the Windy City! So we decided to go for breakfast in this place which was highly recommended in the guide - Heaven on Seven. It is a restaurant that specialises in Cajun recipes located on the 7th floor of a building on North Michigan Ave. The slogan says..."People who come back from Heaven all say the same thing...try the Gumbo!" - and it's true the gumbo is amazing. Gumbo ...is quite hard to explain. Its like a soup, but its really thick more like a stew and it has rice in it. Most of us had this for starters and we chose different stuff for our main meals. I think I had the Mardis Gras Etiffoue, although I can't remember for sure. All I remember is that is was seafood in cajun sauce and I think it was served with rice - it was really good!

After our satisfying breakfast/lunch we took a wander through Oz Park which is a park dedicated to the author of 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz', who settled in Chicago later in his life. We took a lot of photos there as it had statues of the Wizard of Oz characters and also, it was a very nice location.

From there we went to Lincoln Park Zoo. It was quite a small zoo with various different animals including, tigers, snakes and otters (I can't remember them all now!). It wasn't busy when we were there...probably because of the time of year. Some of the girls I went with were uncomfortable because they felt like they were in small enclosures/cages and that the location was too cold. I had to agree with them, but at the same time - I couldn't believe there was a real tiger right in front of me. It's different from seeing these animals through a television. Their enclosures were rather small though and I was completely split emotionally, I was amazed at the same time I was appalled.

The zoo experience was cool but it was absolutely freezing! From there we took a bus to a different part of the city. I can't remember where exactly it was, but it was a place where we were able to see the Chicago skyline. It was near a beach. Of course, we took a lot of pictures (all of which I looked ugly in because of the intense sea breeze). I think at some point someone's hat nearly fell in the water but for some reason this memory doesn't stick out too clearly to me. I think one of the guys rescued it though and we were crapping it that he might fall in.

By this point it was late afternoon and we took another trip to a different part of the city. I didn't know much about Chicago before I went, but I had heard about the Sears Tower (now known as the Willis Tower) which I really liked the idea of visiting. I heard that it was the second tallest building in the world, however, according to Wikipedia, its the fifth tallest building! Who cares, its a tall building - and we went up it! The view was astonishing - it was like being on an aeroplane. From one window apparently you could see accross three states! I can't remember which ones but I think it coulda been Illinois (obv), Indianna and Michigan. It was really cool though. I think the most exciting thing about it was the section with the glass floor. It was terrifying but at the same time - thrilling. It almost looked like a screen-shot from Grand Theft Auto or something.

Our night did not end here. By the time we had visited the Tower, we decided to go to Navy Pier which is basically a famous pier there with lots of different attractions. We had dinner there and then took a look around. The night we were there, there was a party or a wedding or something going on as there were very dressed up people in a big place near the end of the pier. We walked down and walked back up. One thing I remember about this was going into a place which was like a garden centre (I think its the same place that's in that Vince Vaughn movie - 'The Dilemma'). I remember it because there were powerful jets of water that arc over you, yet you don't get wet. As gay as it sounds, I was fascinated by how they worked. Then I remember coming out of there and there being this 'Circus' show thing on. The place was done up, but the style was street theatre. We went to Chicago in October so it was close to Halloween and I think this is why the show was on. Basically these dressed up people took on characters and interacted with members of the public. Some of them really freaked us out, especially as some of them jumped out at us lol.

This one speaks for itself.
 All in all, it was an exciting day out. I couldn't believe how much we done in one day. It was fun, if a little tiring. Found out how the last day went by checking out the blog next Monday!

March 07, 2011

Off to the Windy City!! - Part 1

Because most of the people I met in Kansas were foreign, like me, we all agreed that we wanted to do a good amount of travelling.

Me and my roommates had discussed that one of the reasons we wanted to study in Kansas was because it was centrally located in the States, making it easier to travel to other states. We all decided we would go somewhere at Fall break but we weren't sure where yet...and we all had different ideas.

One of my roommates had family in Houston,Texas - so she decided to give them a visit during the break. My other roommates made plans to go to New York City together, as they both really wanted to go and one of them was meeting her brother there. As much as I knew I wanted to visit NYC, I fancied going nearer Christmas time and our fellow British/European friends were making plans to go to Chicago. So I decided to join them.

Me on the Greyhound
We went to Chicago by Greyhound bus, which was my first experience with these coaches. We had around two or three stops and it took us about twelve hours to get there. It was a bit of a nightmare...not the whole journey though. The trip to both Kansas City and Des Moines, Iowa was fine because the first journey was short and the second one wasn't busy so we had most of the bus to ourselves. However, the trip from Des Moines to Chicago was a nightmare. The bus was packed and we had to be separated. I was stuck next to this guy who wouldn't shut up - which I didn't mind at first, but when I was tired and wanted to sleep I wanted to kill him. Then he went to sleep and tried to rest on my shoulder and cuddle into me! Not only was I freaked out - I didn't sleep in fear that he would try and rest on me...which is not something I'm willing to do with a complete stranger. So I was extremely irritated.

Eventually, we got there in the early hours of the morning. Although Chicago is amazing - I would have been more excited had I gotten more sleep. Plus, it was still dark. The group decided we should get a coffee and breakfast somewhere before heading to the hostel to drop off our things...it was too early for us to check in anyway. So we found the nearest subway and a friendly man took us to a diner where they serve good food. We started the day with a good breakfast.

We then made our way to the hostel.

The hostel we ended up staying in was horrible, but it was in a good location and was very cheap - so we couldn't expect much from it. Plus, we had read reviews that it wasn't very nice, so we bought sleeping bags with us. Also, we were pretty lucky because the eight of us managed to share a room together and we didn't have to sleep with strangers so that was good. Although the room wasn't very secure seeing as we had to leave the room key with the receptionist every time we left the hostel, which made me slightly paranoid they might steal our stuff. However, as the people I was travelling with pointed out - they wouldn't get any customers if they stole stuff as people would have mentioned it in the reviews!

So we got to the hostel and got settled and showered. I wanted a nap, but also wanted to go out and explore as it was early in the day and it seemed pointless to go to bed now. We all agreed that we should go out and explore.

The first day felt like a dream and I can't remember now everything we got up to. However, I remember going to a place called Millennium Park which had loads of cool art and architecture. This included a big bean-shaped reflective mirror thing. One of the girls joked it was 'Chicago's Bean' and that we were flicking it! This became an ongoing joke during the trip...

I think we spent most of the first day exploring the city, looking at some cool buildings and looked around the shops briefly. The same day/evening we went to the Chicago Art Institute which wasn't really my kinda thing to be honest, but it was still cool to look around and experience! I think it was also on this night that we went to a traditional Chicago pizza place which served traditional Chicago-style deep dish pizza pies! They were amazing! It was also my first experience with pink lemonade which was delicious! It was pretty cool to have Chicago-style pizzas in Chicago!

The delicious deep dish pizza!

It was a really tiring day, but amazing at the same time! I wish I had appreciated it more when I was there. We did a lot on the first day and it was the start of more exciting things to come! Check out the blog next Monday to find out what happened on the rest of the trip!

February 28, 2011

Basic Screenwriting - Discovering a Dream!

I know I complained a lot about my other classes, but there was one class I couldn't complain about - Basic Screenwriting.

I loved the class for several reasons. One, the subject interested me and two, the professor was amazing.

The aim of the class was to write the first act of a full length feature screenplay. We would be marked on this and we had to create a beat-sheet to show what happen in the rest of the film. Before I even went to KU I had some film ideas and was glad I had taken a note of them, as I ended up using one of them for the class. 
The idea I had was based on a true story, although not knowing the people involved personally I had to recreate the characters and entire story. At the time I thought this was a good idea, but now - as the screenplay is still unfinished - I've realised that because I don't know enough about the experiences of the people I'm writing about, I can't really write the play  until I'm free to take the time and do research.

My story revolved around a pupil-teacher relationship. These are often a subject of controvery in the western world and I was interesting in exploring the morals around this topic. In real life story (which happened in a school near the area where I went to school) the pupil was seventeen (which is over the age of consent in the UK) and the teacher was a lot older. However, the sex was consensual and I think the relationship continued after the pupil left. The teacher was male and the pupil was female. Like most of the general population, I was disgusted by this story. However, it wasn't until my sister, who knew the girl (very vaguely) through a friend at the time, told me that the paparrazi had been chasing her down and hassling her. My sister told me she felt sorry for her.

This is what made me think about it differently. It was the first time I had ever heard of someone being sympathetic towards the relationship...and although I didn't think that the relationship was ethical, this did make me consider the stigma attached to the people involved. These kind of stories are always a source of gossip and I think this makes us forget that the people involved are real people with feelings, just like you and me...they just happen to be in a relationship with each other which other people don't approve of. Of course, it's different if a teacher exploits a pupil - but if it's consented...does this make a pupil-teacher relationship acceptable??

It's a fine line and controversial topic to approach. People will have very different opinions about it but it got me thinking. What if a girl is sixteen or over (the age of consent in Britain) and a guy is in his early twenties, they meet in a club and they start going out/having sex etc. This is acceptable in terms of the law but is this socially acceptable?? Although I'm in my twenties and most guys I know who are my age wouldn't go out with a sixteen year old, there are some who do. So, what makes it different if it is a younger teacher and an older pupil? Well...their professional relationship certainly makes it different, but if they're in love - can they help it?? Does it matter?? I don't know the answer, but these were the issues I wanted my screenplay to explore. 

But like I said, I don't have enough experience having never been sexually involved or sexually attracted to a teacher that I don't even know how such a relationship would actually begin. Then there's the question of who comes on to who?? If the teacher does it he's a straight-out pervert and if the girl does it then she's a full-on slut which is not the way I want the characters to be! So this screenplay is being forgotten about for the moment.

I think I've went on about Professor Willmott enough...but basically he had a combination of professional experience and a kind and caring manner which made him the best professor I've ever had. He took interest in all of us and every one of our idea. He never said an idea was bad, but would point us in the right direction or encourage us to look at it in a way we hadn't previously. 

It was a bit weird bringing up the idea of the story, especially as we were in a classroom situation...I hope he didn't think I was getting at something lol. Especially the way I've went on about him on this, sounds like I well fancied him.

I just really liked him and his classes! The classes we had didn't even feel like classes: there was never any pressure and it didn't feel like we did any work. Although I still felt like I learned a lot (which is rare for me - I'm used to writing essays and taking notes furiously for exams). He explained a lot of concepts, such as creating character, narrative and writing naturalistic dialogue (appropriate to your story). Each class was spent, talking about our ideas and how we were developing them. We were encouraged to ask questions to help us along with our own screenplays and to help others...we often ended class with reading out a scene from another student's work. It was very interesting to see what the others came up with and very exciting - it was so much fun!

The best thing about the class is that it made me realise what it is with film I want to do - write! I've realised that as much as I hate writing sometimes, I'm good at it, I enjoy it when I can write what I want freely and I find it therapeutical. Sometimes writing down my problems helps me get over them. Then I rip it up and throw it away, never to be seen again. I sometimes use what I've written to inspire ideas. I didn't want to fully forget what it was like to be an emotional teenager because this is when I felt most inspired to write stories for films, different from the typical Hollywood standard. This is when most things in a person's life change and the stories of any teenager are relevant for most of the living human population...to write down what it was like helps me remember, and helps me to create relevant characters. I couldn't write now what it was like to be a child...so I hope I can recreate teenage moments which are relevant to an audience.

Anyways, I 've rambled on here long enough! But check out the blog next week to find out about my trip to Chicago!! Fall break woo hoo!

February 21, 2011

Documentary Film and Video - They lost my exam paper??!!

I took this class hoping it would broaden my film taste and introduce me to films I had never seen before. This never happened.

If I had known what Professor Small was like I would never taken this class. But there was no way I could know and was determined to continue with it.

One of my roommates was in this class with me. This was either my first class (or one of my first classes) and my roommate had already had been to her other classes. I remember when it ended the first thing she said to me was that it had been her worse class so far. I had to agree it was particularly boring but I was still willing to give it a chance.

It didn't take long for me to realise she was right. It ended up being my worst class too. It was boring, unhelpful and they lost my mid-term exam paper. So yeah, it was pretty bad.

The worst thing about it was, not only did they lose my exam paper - the teaching assistant (Rich Housh) decided it was my fault rather than apologising for it.

Part of it actually had been my fault. A lot of exams in the States are multiple choice, and having never taken a multiple choice exam before, I didn't know I had to score my name using the boxes at the top. I just wrote my name on it, but then the computer system didn't pick it up. I wasn't told I had to do that though, so how was I supposed to know that?? Surely they should give you all that information at the start, no matter how stupid it seems. Any exam I've ever taken in Scotland, they tell you exactly what to put on it before you start.

So yeah, I took the exam. I was definitely there and had evidence as I asked a girl nearby to borrow her eraser. But basically most people in the class, including my roommate had got their grades back so I emailed the teaching assistant to find out mines. He then got back to me saying that I 'obviously' hadn't taken the exam which is why there was no result. Why would I have asked for the results for an exam I never took??? Retarded or what...
As soon as he emailed me that back I was angry. I put it all over my facebook, and was like how the fuck can they accuse me of not taking an exam even though I have proof I was there! They obviously had lost it and tried to blame it on me. I emailed him back assuring him that I had taken the exam and that I had proof. A lot of my friends on facebook were supportive and agreed it was a complete disgrace. Cheryl then told me to email the head of the film dept and said she would go to the Dean for me. I didn't think it had to go as far as the Dean, but I emailed the Study Abroad office straight away who then offered to complain to the head of the dept for me. Of course, after this they obviously made more of an effort to look for my paper.

Housh then got back to me saying, 'Well, we never found your paper, but we did find one with no name on it so we can assume that's yours and give you the grade. It's a B+.'

Thinking a B+ wasn't bad, I agreed that that was okay. Professor Small then offered me a personal apology and explained my paper was sitting on his suitcase in his living room and that we could go over the grades together if I wanted. He said he had looked over it and was certain I had got a grade around a B+. I accepted the apology and agreed that was okay (my real grade was probably shittier to be honest). I was just grateful I didn't have to sit the exam again.

Small gave us a lot of background knowledge in this class. Well, at least I had thought it was background knowledge. It turned out it was actually stuff we needed to know for our exams. Yeah, apparently knowing the original name of the film building at KU is useful in the field of documentary. The most annoying thing about it was that so many people failed the midterm, that Small was made to give us a list of possible exam topics for the final exam. So apparently, I was an idiot that studied the possible exam topics - none of which appeared in the final exam! I was mad.

Ended up getting a B- for the class overall. Which I didn't mind...until I realised this was the equivalent of a 2D-2F in Stirling grades! Ugh...worst class of my life. The most recent documentaries we studied in that class were from the early 1990s (if we were lucky). Did not see any documentaries from this century, you know which would have been nice but oh well.

Bit of a downer reading this eh? Well it gets a bit cheerier next week when I talk about the best class I took at KU, Basic Screenwriting. Check out the blog to read all about it!