More About Me...

Anyone who studies abroad will have an experience which is unique to them. 
Although we may share similar experiences, how we experience it will vary as we are all unique individuals whose personal experiences may be similar but are, essentially, different.
Welcome to my life...
This might give you a sense of where I come from... 

Why have I become all sentimental about 'home' all of a sudden?? 
Because I moved to the States. The United States of America that is. And it was bloody amazing!

I left Scotland to study abroad but I also came for the experience of moving away from home and meeting new people.  Leaving home made me appreciate it more, although I would never regret moving to the US!  You'll be surprised at the little things you miss when you leave home...

Read my blog and follow my journey! Find out how I managed to study abroad, what it was like and share your own experiences! I would love to hear from you...

Opportunities like this don't come often. If something similar ever happens to you, then I'd encourage you to welcome it with an open mind. Anything can happen!