September 13, 2010

The 1st Frat Party...

We had only been at KU for about a week and we managed to go to our first frat party!

Basically some of the Australian/English guys we already met had went out to explore the campus (at night) and met a couple of frat guys! So they invited them to one of their parties and we then got invited we decided to go.

Some of the other exchange students that we met from the 'Wild West' party on Wednesday came round to our flat while we got ready and we all went down together.

I was so excited I wouldn't shut up about it. What would it be like?

Beer Pong!
My only experience of a frat party was watching it in a teen comedy film like, "American Pie: Beta House" and "Old School". I wondered if they were really as crazy as the movies made them out to be. I wondered whether they would have red cups...

They did! They were the hands of frat boys, littered on the floor, stacked on tables, placed triangularly on each side of a long table while guys tried to throw a little white ball into them. Later found out this was actually a drinking game called Beer Pong! I think most of us exchange students were pretty excited to see those red cups in action...

The fraternity house we went to was the Jewish fraternity! We nervously approached them in case they decided they didn't want us there - but it turned out they were a really friendly bunch of guys! One of them shook all of our hands as we went into the house and they let us drink their beer for free! They also had the legendary jungle juice which had a combination of liquor, fruit and Everclear - which I thought was I only had one. Then there was rumours that it ended up being laced with pills so definitely avoided it after that.

The frat party was cool but a little awkward seeing as we didn't know anyone. I remember standing when this guy told me I looked bored. I was like I'm not its just a bit awkward and then he was like, "Where are you from?"...So then I told them and pointed and said that we're all exchange students. So then he was like, "Are you all Scottish?" and I was like, "No but we are, and those girls are English and she's from Sweden and she's German and this guy is from Australia". He got so excited about the Australian,

"I wana go hug him that's so cool!' he exclaimed. I was like "Me too!"

So talking to him some more I found out that he was originally from Los Angeles but grew up in Kansas. Some of the other guys I spoke to were from Chicago, Seattle and Kansas - it was pretty cool!

End of the Frat Party...
After the frat party we went to a house party down the road. It was pretty random now that I look back, I duno how we even ended up down there but they invited us in and gave us more free beer. One of the other Australian guys did the whole drink beer from the tap upside down over the keg...was pretty funny.

My roommate got the frat guy's number. Only two of them had a mobile at this point, me and my other roommate had to get a cell phone. I'm glad she got his number because he helped us out a lot the first couple of weeks...

I think the alcohol helped break the ice to be honest. The group meetings and orientation week were good but after that night I felt a lot more comfortable with the other international students.

I forgot to mention on my last post that the next day I saw a sorority house do their initiation (at least that's what I think it was)...It was really weird. They were all dressed up in dresses and boots and they all walked out into formation. Then they sang a song and did little dance moves, the song was pretty funny. They went into harmony and sang like an octave higher and then lower and one minute it was slow and then really fast. Then they all walked back inside with their hands behind their was pretty creepy. I saw them doing this several times when I was at KU as their house was accross from Jayhawk Towers!

Check out the blog next Monday and find out about Hawk Week - when the KU students officially started. Comments/questions are always welcome! Thanks for reading...

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