September 08, 2010

Hello Kansas! International Orientation Week (Day 3)

The next day of the orientation week had arrived...

This was one of the most memorable days of the week for two reasons:

1) Had my blood test at the Watkins Health Center
2) Officially got my KUID card!

I knew I would have to get a blood test but I wasn't looking forward to it (I mean no-one was)...I remember having to wait in three queues (oh wait, I mean lines) before I could actually get it done. However, when it finally did happen it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined. For me its never that bad as long as I look in the other direction. Seeing the needle pierce through the skin is the bit that freaks me out. Feeling the needle is uncomfortable but not sore as long as you don't tense up your arm (the thought of that makes me shiver!) or think about it too much.

The KUID card was more of a surprise. The orientation booklet made it out like you only went to  find out how to get a card and how it works. So I didn't bother putting on make up or fixing my hair that day (as I thought its gonna end up a mess anyways seeing as its so hot outside)...But of course, that's when we got the ID card and so I had to get my picture taken while looking like a hot mess! Of course, as expected my pic in the ID card was hideous. I wore a blue top with thin straps and a bright pink bra with thick straps (which was a stupid idea in any case) and you could see it in the photo!

The other Scottish girls were the smart ones. I went down by myself so I already got mines looking a mess, but it turned out you could get it at any point after 3.30pm that day! So they managed to get theirs after making more of an effort when they had spare time (which is what I should've done!)...

Anyways, so it was done now. At least I had a card, no point worrying about the photo...

That night another party was organised for us - our last free meal of the week! One of the girls I met had a really good time because she finally seen a cowboy (which was one of her goals while living in America). By this point we met a lot of other people including a lovely Canadian girl and some girls from Germany. Becuase the Scottish girls had met people in their orientation groups, we all met each other and got to know more people which was really cool! At that party I met them properly.

Did I mention the party was outdoors?
It was quite a good night, sitting on the grass with a BBQ and salad which had been made for us and chilling with the people we met. Although I got bitten to fuck. I was covered in mosquito and chigger bites - it looked disgusting and was really uncomfortable. I think bugs just like my always seems like I get bitten more than everyone else. It looked like I had chicken pox the next day!

Everyone was so friendly to each other. I remember one of the guys saying that by the time he left Kansas he'd end up having a permanent smile on his face. Everyone really made an effort - no matter which country we were was really refreshing!

The next day we had to move out of Hashinger Halls because we were living on campus. So that night we decided to go to Walmart for the first time to buy stuff for our flat...turns out almost every other international student had the same idea and decided to leave it all to last minute. 

I still can't believe how huge Walmart is...and its cheapness! Although I think products were so much cheaper because its Kansas. I managed to get a ton of stuff - including a comforter and pillows, lamp etc for about $50 - I honestly couldn't believe it...

Okay so we managed to get most of the stuff we needed. Getting home though was a nightmare! 

So many students, all with pillows and blankets and toilet roll and other stuff that takes up a lot of space. I just stood there thinking how the hell are we gona get on the bus! Most of us ended up standing, a bit difficult carrying a bunch of stuff and going up and down hills on a bus...We got home in the end though.

Find out how moving day went by checking out the blog tomorrow!

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