September 20, 2010

Hawk Week

You would think that after the orientation week that we would start classes. Nope, that didn't happen...because we had Hawk Week!

Hawk Week is basically the equivalent of Freshers Week for the American students at KU. I can't remember much from the week...

Although I remember we went to an event called 'Night on the Hill', which was kinda like a fayre...there were different stalls and tons of people out and about - plus sober dancing...(well we assumed they were sober). Afterwards we headed to a gig on Daisy Hill (I think that's what it was called) but I had no idea who was playing. I suppose it doesn't matter so much now as we didn't get in!

Earlier in the week I enrolled in my classes. I had a meeting with the Study Abroad Office who helped me out with it. Before I headed to the US, they emailed me for my course selections. I emailed them with the following options:

- Basic Film Production
- Basic Screenwriting
- Documentary Film and Video
- International Women Filmmakers

When I met with them I was told that all the classes were still available and that I'd be able to still go ahead with them if I wanted. I had considered changing film production to video production as the video one sounded like it would be more suitable. However, it clashed with the screenwriting class which I really wanted to take, so I stuck with my original choices. I don't regret this because at KU I had the best screenwriting teacher - Professor Kevin Willmott.

Traditions Night
Another memorable part of Hawk Week was 'Traditions Night' at Memorial Stadium. I think we showed up late - but we got the general idea once we got there. The legendary Jayhawk and Baby Jay were there (KU mascots) plus the cheerleaders. I can't remember if any of the sports teams were there or the marching band but they might have been - we probably missed it. 

It was pretty cool though! We learned the whole 'Rock Chalk! Jayhawk!' chant. I should probably explain that a Jayhawk is a cross between a Blue Jay and a Sparrow Hawk - made up for KU. I think it has something more to do with Kansas' history...

The Jayhawk! (Obtained from
We went to more parties at the fraternity house. We ended up becoming friends with a few of the guys there. We played water pong at one of the guys' apartment (it was the middle of the day and we didn't feel like drinking)...He took us out for a day out in Kansas City! 

So we didn't spend the full week of Hawk Week at KU or Kansas. We spent the day in Kansas City during the week and went to Lake of the Ozarks at the weekend! Find out the trips went by becoming a follower or checking out the blog next Monday...

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