September 09, 2010

Hello Kansas! International Orientation Week (Day 4)

Today was the last day of the orientation week (not really a week if its only four days though, eh?)...

However, today was our last day and Hashinger Halls and the night we moved to Jayhawker Towers!

The day before we found out who our roommates would be. To our mutual surprise, me and the Scottish girls found out that we would be roommates together! I wasn't sure whether to be glad or dissappointed by this and I think they felt the same way. To be honest - I felt both! I was dissappointed that my roommates weren't American or from somewhere else because it meant I wouldn't meet new people (by living with them) but then I was glad to be with the Scottish girls because we were from a similar cultural background and I had already met them and knew they were nice! Although we all agreed that this meant we should make an extra effort to make other friends.

Nothing particularly memorable happened earlier that day. Although I did go to a meeting about staying legal on my visa as I had a J-1 type. I had to ensure that I had taken over 12 units, not to take paid employment unless it was for KU and ensure that I follow the law generally I think. Also, if we wanted to leave the US to take a trip somewhere, then we had to make sure that our visa stated that we could enter the US multiple times within the time period and that we got our DS 2019 form signed by the International Office at KU.

After meeting some new people from places including France, Germany, Canada, Sweden, England and Australia - a group of us went down to Mass St for dinner together. I think we went to a place called Joe Schmoes...after about an hour trying to decide.

The interesting part was when the waiter came and asked us what drinks we wanted. We were silent, wondering whether one of us would risk ordering an alcoholic drink - until one of the English guys turned round and ordered a Sprite. After that we all ordered soft drinks to be on the safe side.

The dinner was good and the chat was friendly. But we knew as soon as we got back we would have to finally move out of Hashinger.

I can't remember if it was because I hadn't prepared earlier in the day, but I remember moving out was stressful. Especially as over 100 students were doing it at once and none of our suitcases were small. I remember struggling to get it all downstairs at first, because they were heavy. Then when they were finally down, I had to leave them all in the foyer to sign out and check in to Jayhawker Towers.

It was so frustrating, it was late and I just wanted to move in already! Two of my roommates (who hadn't came for dinner) already had moved in and seen the apartment. They said it was pretty basic but looked nice. They also mentioned that it was completely empty! 

Finally, I got checked in and our cases got driven down to the apartment for us. They were right, there was absolutely nothing in the apartment except from two beds and two desks in each bedroom. When we had finally all moved in and were ready we sat on the living room floor together. Now we had to decide who became roommates with whom.
I can't remember how exactly we managed to decide who shared with whom, although I remember flipping coins and then doing numbers several times. I think the numbers decided. Although I wouldn't have minded sharing with any of them, I was quite pleased with my roommate chosen because she seemed pretty neat and tidy, like me! Also we were both film students so we had that in common which was cool.

Finally I had moved in to Jayhawk Towers, Tower B on the 6th floor. Now we had time to get settled and explore for ourselves. Find out how my first day in Jayhawk Towers went by checking out the blog tommorow!

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